Top 10

Meet the Top 10 Celtic Warriors: Legends of Bravery

By Mairi

2nd May, 2023

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The Celts were a group of tribal societies that existed in Europe during the Iron Age. They were known for their fierce warriors who fought with bravery and skill.

Picture Credits: Unsplash

10. Boudicca

Boudicca was a queen of the Iceni tribe who led a rebellion against the Roman Empire in AD 60 or 61.

Picture Credits: World History Encyclopedia

09. Vercingetorix

Vercingetorix was a chieftain of the Arverni tribe who led the Gauls in a failed revolt against the Roman Empire in 52 BC.

Picture Credits: World History Encyclopedia

08. Brennus

Brennus was a Gallic chieftain who led a group of warriors that invaded Rome in 390 BC.

Picture Credits: World History Encyclopedia

07. Conall Cernach

Conall Cernach was a legendary warrior of Ulster who fought in the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology.

Picture Credits: OneSixthFigures

06. Cu Chulainn

Cu Chulainn was a legendary warrior of Ulster who also fought in the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology.

Picture Credits: Smite Wiki - Fandom

05. Fionn mac Cumhaill

Fionn mac Cumhaill was a legendary warrior of Ireland who is the main character in the Fenian Cycle of Irish mythology.

Picture Credits: Reddit

04. Cú Roí

Cú Roí was a legendary king and warrior of Munster who is best known for his role in the story of Cúchulainn.

Picture Credits: Myth Games Wiki - Fandom

03. Scathach

Scathach was a warrior and a trainer of warriors in Irish mythology who was known for her martial arts skills.

Picture Credits: Character Profile Wikia - Fandom

02. Lugh

Lugh was a god of Irish mythology who was also known for his skills as a warrior and a craftsman.

Picture Credits: ArtStation

01. Llywelyn ap Gruffydd

Llywelyn ap Gruffydd was a prince of Gwynedd in Wales who led a rebellion against English rule in the 13th century. He was known for his military prowess and political acumen.

Picture Credits: Wikimedia Commons

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